Hurricane Impact Doors and Windows

ROVB, Inc. offers factory direct pricing and design consultation for your impact windows and door projects.
Our door and window experts will professionally deliver and install the doors and windows as efficiently, quickly and cleanly as possible always with your satisfaction our top priority.
You are probably already aware of the need for a roof that meets hurricane codes, but you may not have considered upgrading your doors and windows by replacing them with hurricane resistant high impact doors and windows.
Our hurricane resistant impact doors and windows are engineered in accordance with the toughest standards in the industry, meet the Miami-Dade building codes.
Your home is a valuable asset and in the event of a hurricane or tropical Storm, you will feel safe and secure knowing that you have hurricane resistant windows and Hurricane resistant doors to protect your home and your family. Whether you are here or out of town.
If you are a part-time Treasure Coast resident then this option is especially important. Just think about the wind, rain and flood damage to your home's flooring, walls and content if your doors or windows become damaged during a storm.
Our hurricane resistant impact doors and windows come in various styles, colors and materials to match the design style of your home.